Sunday, January 29, 2017

I Used...


I used to love swinging an axe  chopping wood pretending that I lived in the country, when in reality the only patch of greenery within reach was London Fields.
Many moons later and now ensconced in rural Sussex axe wielding is low on my agenda.
Instead, we are thinking about hosting a selection of workshops here at FOLK HQ.

Over the years we have met many talented people passionate about their craft, so we thought why not share this knowledge.

So following on from last years full day forage cook and eat classes with Sarah Watson of Wild Feast we are planning to introduce half day seasonal forages along side our full days.
These half day classes will be based around a simple ingredient..
 Nettle Pesto, Wild Greens, Wild flower conserves and cordials, Rosehip syrup and elixir ,
Botanical Liquor Infusions all sorts of goodies from natures abundant larder.

We will also be staging a FOOLS FEAST WILD SUPPER on April fools day.

Menu and Invite to follow.

Full Moon Over East Sussex

To find out more about Sarah go to Wildfeast
To find out more about FOLK at home classes and workshops go to Folk at Home 


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